Glasnost At Hearst?

August 24, 2008

Glasnost At Hearst?

The ascension of Jay Jochnowitz to the Times Union editorial page may mean a new era of openness and accuracy, or maybe not

We were starting our two week vacation this past month in a cabin on the shore of Great Lake Sacandaga, which is in Adirondack Park just inside “the blue line.” We had quiet mornings, no traffic noise, no schedule, and all of the lazy outdoor activities that we wanted. But this peacefulness came at a frightful price: we had no internet hookup.

Our Rented McMansion On Great Sacandaga Our Rented McMansion
On Great Sacandaga

Plus, we had to go six miles to town to get newspapers. The Wife had just come back on her bicycle with the Sunday papers when she got a phone call from Rezsin Adams, the venerable president of Save the Pine Bush. “Look at the editorial page of today’s Times Union,” she said.

I was busy amusing myself by slowly and thoughtfully moving rocks up the beach to stop erosion of the shoreline. The Wife in her bike shorts and bicycle helmet came bouncing down the grassy slope from our cabin. She had a big smile and a copy of the Hearst Rag in her hands.

Here’s the beginning of what she read to me from the lead editorial:

To think that the 6000 acre Capital Region ecological treasure known as the Pine Bush was once almost 10 times that size, before developers started making their way into what still qualifies as one of the premier examples of an inland pine barrens ecosystem anywhere in the world.